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Sales Training Courses

Sales is a profession. We provide in-company training courses and e-learning platforms as well as being thee for private sales professionals who want to get more out of themselves. Our sales training courses follow the RESPECT® method. The emphasis is placed on the development of the individual for the benefit of the organisation, using responsibility for financial results, deepening conversation skills and mindset.

For organisations

Sales teams with result responsibility

There are many reasons for wanting to work on your sales organisation. More structure, a common sales language or a behavioural change in a sales team. Training courses with a restricted objective such as ‘persuasion techniques’ or ‘dealing with objections’ are usually a sticking plaster for a broken arm. The SalesRESPECT® method is more than a skills training. It makes participants aware of the origin of their thoughts and behaviour. It teaches them to control their behaviour and thus their results. It makes the discussion with the client more effective and the organisation’s results rise. Are you curious as to how we achieve this behavioural change? Contact our organisation without any obligation.

For sales professionals

Enhancement of your potential

As a sales professional, you hold a key position within an organisation. Of course you want to sell a lot. But most of all, you want to be of value to your client. If clients are happy to tell you what is going on by asking the right questions, you will be able to offer solutions to their problems. A client is willing to pay for good solutions. For them, this is added value.

Are you a curious sales professional who wants to develop further in your profession by means of inspiring training courses? We assume that you have already developed sales skills and that you know most of the sales gimmicks. Our training courses help you to develop those skills further and to strengthen your mindset. We look at your personal potential and how we can get the most out of it. You will be selling added value.


Have you become curious as to what we could do for you? Contact us now or take a look at our training courses page.

This link is only available for those customers with access to a SalesRESPECT® powered Academy. Would you like to know more? Please contact us.